
Showing posts from March, 2023


 I NAASEH AND NISHMAH . 1. Naaseh : keeping all the Breslov practices that are already a regular part of your life; a sample list can be found here: 2. Nishmah : a) choose some new level that is currently above you but that you really like to reach, for example, "going with the Torahs" in "Likutei Moharan" the way Rabbeinu intended; b) regularly ask Hashem in your hisbodedus to help you achieve this new level. 1. Try to determine how exactly this brazenness manifests itself in your case: powerful physical desires, unhelpful fears and worries, depression, constant dissatisfaction, emotional hunger, etc. This will help you to identify all this as something you want to conquer and so to avoid getting drawn into this emotions and desires. II CONQUERING BRAZENNESS OF THE BODY: 1.  with sounds of holiness :  a) singing; b) sighing over your low spiritual level; c) dancing, particular


  THE END GOALS . 1. Meriting  kisufin tovim (good desires and yearnings), which will rectify all that goes wrong in our lives (this idea is based on "Likutei Halochos", "Hodaya 5"). 2. Achieving the level of  "sustenance in the aspect of lechem hapanim " (holy bread in the Bais HaMikdash ) where a person no longer perceives that they have to leave the realm of kedushah  in order to have what to live on. THE REQUISITE PRACTICES . 1. Giving tzedakah :  a) to poor people for their Shabbos needs; b) before traveling. 2. Celebrating and observing Shabbos : a) by preparing special food and clothing; b) by being joyous; c) be being careful to observe all the relevant halochos ; d) by talking differently than on the weekdays; e) by bringing the holiness of Shabbos into the six days of the week. 3. Developing emunah : a) that Hashem created the world and continues to govern it with Hashgacha Pratis ; b) that when we give tzedakah to a poor person, we're in f


"All of the Rebbe's Torahs contain awesome depth, plumbing the deepest mysteries and loftiest secrets. Still, he emphasized that the main thing was their simple meaning, and that we should put this into practice as he taught." ( Sichos HaRan  131). I GENERAL PRACTICES . - Saying a prayer from "Likutei Tefilos" on this Torah. - Doing hisbodedus : asking Hashem to help me practically fulfil this Torah to the best of my ability. (Rabbi Ozer Bergman's book "Where Earth and Heaven Kiss" has a chapter "Turning Torah into Tefilah" (p. 176)  with a very clear explanation of how to actually do this.) II SPECIFIC PRACTICES . This list is based on Torah 25, "Likutei Halochos", and "Likutei Tefilos".. 1. Working with the Medameh  (Imagination) : a) overcoming its negative aspects: fighting illusions, compulsive thoughts, and physical desires that are too strong and keep me away from the spiritual; b) utilizing its positive aspects