"All of the Rebbe's Torahs contain awesome depth, plumbing the deepest mysteries and loftiest secrets. Still, he emphasized that the main thing was their simple meaning, and that we should put this into practice as he taught." (Sichos HaRan 131).


- Saying a prayer from "Likutei Tefilos" on this Torah.

- Doing hisbodedus: asking Hashem to help me practically fulfil this Torah to the best of my ability.

(Rabbi Ozer Bergman's book "Where Earth and Heaven Kiss" has a chapter "Turning Torah into Tefilah" (p. 176)  with a very clear explanation of how to actually do this.)


This list is based on Torah 25, "Likutei Halochos", and "Likutei Tefilos"..

1. Working with the Medameh (Imagination):

a) overcoming its negative aspects: fighting illusions, compulsive thoughts, and physical desires that are too strong and keep me away from the spiritual;

b) utilizing its positive aspects: keeping company with tzaddikim and their students and letting them become my role models.

2. Making Use of the Sechel (Holy Mind):

a) taking time to evaluate my avodas Hashem and to think about how I can improve it;

b) developing original Torah thoughts, or, if that is too high a level, coming up with ideas that will motivate me and my friends in our avodas Hashem.

3. Elevating the Mundane: Eating, Sleeping, Working, etc.

4. Giving Tzedakah:

a) the first step: giving frequently (suggested practice: donating one dollar several times a week to a worthy cause);

b) the second step: giving proper amounts of tzedakah (maaser or chomesh) so that all one's money becomes rectified.

5. Being Happy with the Simcha shel Mitzvah:

a) that I was created a Jew;

b) that I'm trying to serve Hashem to the best of my ability;

c) that I have merited to be a follower of the Rebbe and to learn from his living students.

As a practical way to fulfil the last point, I suggest listening, singing along, or even dancing to one of the versions of this song: "How happy are we, how fortunate is our lot, that we have merited to become close to Rabbeinu!"

6. Practices Related to the Morning Prayers:

a) reciting the Korbanos (the portion about the sacrifices), with the intention of subduing my animal self and rising to the level of the human being;

b) reciting the Hodu section of Pesukei DeZimrah with kavannah, having in mind that mentioning Hashem's greatness helps to overcome the klipos and rise to the next level.

Note: these sections can also be said separately and not as part of the morning prayers.

7. Practices Related to Specific Times:

a) saying Kabbalas Shabbos with the intention that speaking about Hashem's greatness should help us rise from the level of the weekdays to that of Shabbos;

b) during Pesach cleaning, keeping in mind that getting rid of the klipos (the chametz) is the necessary preparation to receiving a very high level of daas on Pesach (suggested by R' Nasan Maimon in his class on this Torah).


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