1. The Torah of Chesed (תורת חסד): learning in order to teach others and to share one's knowledge.
2. Four Aspects of Humility (ארבע בחינות שפלות): a person should humble themselves in relation to those higher than them, those lower then them, and those on the same level. In addition, they should consider their own level to be less then it objectively is.
3. Palga (פלגא): a person who is as yet far from holiness, who has to undergo multiple tests and conquer many obstacles before he merits to come close to Hashem.
4. Soiled Garments (הבגדים הצואים): the consequences of one's sins that create barriers and obstacles, making it very difficult to come close to holiness.
1. To start feeling part of the world, otherwise the idea of "drawing peace into the world" feels totally irrelevant.
2. To feel at peace with my situation.
3. To look at prayer as the main and the most meaningful effort that I have to expend in any situation.
4. To make "becoming a good Breslover" my primary goal in life, so I'd be motivated to bear and fight obstacles and delays.
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