1. "Going with the Torah": this should be a dynamic process, not just learning, but doing, living, and changing.

2. Discovering what my personal teshuvah should consist of.

3. Finding my individual path in avodas Hashem according to the root of my neshama (as explained in "Hishtapchus HaNefesh" #1 based on this Torah).

4. Overcoming the obstacles that are keeping me back if I feel that my individual gate remains closed.

5. Accessing the advice coming from the Fiftieth Gate of Kedusha (based on "Likutei Halochos", "Hilchos Krias Shema 5") that can help me both to find my path and to navigate challenging situations in my personal life.

6. Leaving my personal exile, so that my life becomes more productive and meaningful, giving me greater closeness to Hashem (based on "Likutei Tefilos").

7. In my prayers and hisbodedus, trying to concentrate on requests for the spiritual, like Dovid HaMelech does is Sefer Tehillim (based on "Likutei Halochos", "Hilchos Rosh Chodesh 5).

8. If possible, meriting a reciprocal flow of Hashgacha Pratis in response to my efforts to come close to Hashem and to find my special path, in the spirit of "Return to Me, and I will return to you" ("Malachi" 3-7).


1.  Giving  tzedakah at the beginning of this new project. to "open the door" into it (based on Torah 4 Tinyana).

2. Saying ten chapters of Tehillim a day (less if they're very long).
    - Reading the translation first If these are chapters that I don't know well.
    - Whenever possible, saying the words in a loud voice and with feeling.
    - Trying to find myself and my situation in the words of Tehillim.

3. Reading commentaries on the verses that caught my attention from Breslov literature.

4. Composing my own songs on the verses of Tehillim in order to "personalize" them.

5. Reading commentaries and listening to classes on this Torah, trying to understand it
   as well as I can and to find answers to the questions that come up.

6. Finding the courage to contact people who know more in order to ask the questions that remain unanswered,

7. - Doing hisbodedus on this Torah every day,  for no less than 15-20 minutes,        preferably more.
    - Determining the areas in which I have to do teshuvah; repenting for everything that I did wrong throughout the previous day.
    - Making a determined effort to find my individual path in avodas Hashem and in following Rabbeinu, as well as to understand  what exactly constitutes the personal exile that I'm trying to leave.
    - Designing practical ways to reach the spiritual goals that I've set for myself.
    - Examining the obstacles that come up and devising strategies to overcome them. 

8. - Saying the prayer on this Torah from "Likutei Tefilos", preferably every day.
     - Trying to understand its meaning and structure.
     - Making an effort to really want for myself the things that Reb Noson is asking for.

9. Composing my own prayer based on this Torah, which would include my spiritual goals in a personalized form, and reciting it at the beginning of every hisbodedus session.

10. Trying to feel simcha when saying Tehillim and to maintain that simcha throughout the day (based on "Likutei Tefilos").

11. Every day, making at least one step towards "returning to the world through the upper opening in the letter ה", which is an important part of my individual path of teshuvah.


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