
Showing posts from April, 2023


I SPIRITUAL GOALS . 1.  " Going  with the Torah " : this should be a dynamic process, not just learning, but doing, living, and changing. 2.  Discovering what my personal  teshuvah   should consist  o f . 3. Finding my individual path in avodas Hashem according to the root of my neshama (as explained in " Hishtapchus HaNefesh " #1 based on this Torah). 4. Overcoming the obstacles that are keeping me back if I feel that my individual gate remains closed. 5. Accessing the advice coming from the Fiftieth Gate of Kedusha (based on " Likutei Halochos ", " Hilchos Krias Shema 5 ") that can help me both to find my path and to navigate challenging situations in my personal life. 6.  Leaving my personal exile, so that my life becomes more productive and meaningful, giving me greater closeness to Hashem (based on " Likutei Tefilos "). 7. In my prayers and hisbodedus, trying to concentrate on requests for the spiritual,  like Dovid HaMelech d