
Showing posts from December, 2022


  LIVING TORAH 2 TINYANA I General Practices 1. Saying the prayer about this Torah from “Likutei Tefilos”. 2. Doing hisbodedus on this Torah, asking Hashem to help us understand it properly and apply it to our lives as much as we can. II Special Practices Related to this Torah 1. Feeling and expressing gratitude to Hashem, as well as maintaining a positive attitude throughout the day. It might be helpful to say the following declaration every morning, "Today, I'm going to focus on being grateful to Hashem and seeing the positive in everything." Also, it's good to choose one point and to concentrate on being grateful for it throughout the day. For example, "I'm so fortunate to be part of Breslov and to have  such a great Rebbe! " 2. Saying Chapter 100 of Tehillim (" Mizmor LeSodah "). 3. Learning Halacha: a) choosing a book on practical Halacha and learning it in order; b) studying works that help strengthen