I Short Morning Practices that Set the Tone for the Entire Day.
1. Immediately upon awakening (after “Modeh Ani”):
- Remembering the Olam HaBa.
Say twice: “Olmo DeAsei, Olmo DeAsei!” (“the Future World”), to remind
yourself that this world is just a preparation for the Next One.
2. As soon as you have several minutes of quiet, say these three nusachs:
- Hiskashrus to the Tzaddik Emes.
“I want to serve Hashem with emes, with emunah, and with simchah, and I
connect all my thoughts, speech, and actions of the day to Rabbenu
Nachman ben Feige”.
- “Mesirus Hatenu’os”.
“Ribono shel Olam, I cast my burden upon You and rely on You alone. I
entrust to You all my movements today, all the movements of my children and
dependents, and all the aspects of the entire day, - that everything should go
according to Your Will”.
- Remozim (hints): “Please help me to see and understand all the remozim
that You are going to send me throughout the day, and to act on them.”
II Longer Practices to Work on During the Day.
1. Hisbodedus.
Start with 20 minutes a day and increase the time gradually, up to an hour.
2. Studying Halacha.
Pick a book on practical halacha and study it in order for 10 minutes a day.
3. Breslov Learning.
Choose a Torah in “Likutei Moharan” and study it (reading commentaries,
listening to classes, etc.) for several days or weeks.
4. Rikudim.
Dance (or just sing along) for 5 minutes a day to the music you love.
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