
Showing posts from May, 2022


  LEAVING OUR CRISES BEHIND, THE BRESLOV                                              WAY PART I Do you feel like you're drowning in a sea of problems, or stuck in a prison-like situation? Do your negative states  of mind  literally make you sick? Or do you feel lost, without a clue where to turn next? Or is your situation much less extreme, but could possibly be improved in any of th e se directions? You're not alone. In fact, these are four types of crises that we all go through in life. They're the subject of Chapter 107 of Tehillim, which lists four instances when people owe special gratitude to Hashem: crossing the desert; being freed from prison, recovering from a serious illness, and returning from a sea voyage. Yet these circumstances don't have to be taken literally. They're just the archetypes of crises that happen to all of us. The good news is that there is a way out! In fact, Reb Noson of Breslov, in his "Likutei Halochos", offers a complete p


  ACHIEVING SHALOM The Rebbe says in Torah כז that healing one's soul and achieving inner peace becomes possible only after going through the bitterness of trials and challenges. Reb Noson adds that this also holds true when one is ready to go from one level to the next in their avodas Hashem because every new madregah signifies a new level of peace: with Hashem, with other Yidden, and with oneself. So, the beginning of this transition to the next level is necessarily going to be bitter, and only after overcoming this bitterness can one really get there. The shalom that one needs to reach consists of three aspects: 1 . Between the body and the neshamah . Real peace between them becomes possible only when the body is subservient to the neshamah and always heeds its call. What does this look like in real life? When this level is achieved, you're mainly drawn after the spiritual and this is what really gives you pleasure , while engaging in material pursuits gradual


  BRESLOV FIRST AID USE WHATEVER WORKS BEST! It says in Torah 8 Tinyana that we must constantly search  for  the tzaddik, even if we have already found him and know  who he is. Practically, this means finding ways to apply his  advice today, to help us with all the problems we’re facing  right now. ANGER 1. My whole ability to receive from the tzaddik depends on  overcoming anger and replacing it with mercy and  compassion. (Torah 18). 2. Anger and frustration are just energy. I can transform this  energy into a positive force that will help me to overcome all  the obstacles. (Torah 66). 3. My Evil Inclination is making me angry right now because it  wants me to lose some money that’s coming to me. If I don’t get angry, I’ll get this money and buy something nice with it!  (Torah 68). FEAR 1. “Don’be, don’t be, don’t be an elephant That’s afraid of a mouse!” I have incredible inner strength and can always count on  Hashem’s help. (“ Shir Naim ”). 2. “The who